LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Roger Hauck on Thursday sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks, requesting immediate action on House Bills 4001 and 4002, citing a closing window for action on legislation aimed at saving thousands of Michigan jobs.
“There was ample time to solve this issue when we first brought it up months ago, but the calls from my colleagues and from restaurant workers across the state went unrecognized by Democratic leadership,” said Hauck R-Mount Pleasant. “This has already taken too long, and we’re losing our window to act. Republicans in the Senate are ready to vote; we just need to get leadership on board.”
A Michigan Supreme Court ruling this summer held that the Legislature cannot adopt a citizen-initiated proposal and then amend that new law within the same legislative term. This ruling voided the previous legislative fix to the initiative.
In recent months, hundreds of Michigan tipped workers — who are at risk of losing their jobs without legislative action — came to the Capitol to urge legislative leaders to act. Michigan’s tipping system, which allows many restaurant workers to earn much more than the minimum wage, will be eliminated if the Legislature fails to act.
“Everyone in the Legislature has heard from people in the industry,” Hauck said. “Industry workers and small business owners have repeatedly asked their legislators to intervene, warning of the consequences these changes will have on their livelihoods. For months, these people have been strung along with hope that something will be done — they have bills to pay and families to care for, and the willingness of those in charge to kick the can down the road and ignore the issue is a slap in the face to the people who genuinely asked for help and for their legislators to do their job.
“This should have been a simple, bipartisan fix that took little to no time to get to the governor’s desk.”
The letter was signed by members of the Senate Republican caucus and transmitted to Brinks Thursday morning.
Editor’s Note: Hauck’s letter to the Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks can be found attached to this email.